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Dagmar Wachten



Principal Investigator
Project 18
Institute of Innate Immunity
Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital Bonn
University of Bonn


Bio Summary

Dagmar Wachten studied biology at the University of Cologne. She obtained her doctorate at the Helmholtz Research Center Jülich and then moved on to do a Postdoc at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, UK. She returned to Germany in 2010 to work at the caesar Research Center in Bonn, where she became a Minerva Max Planck Research Group leader in 2014. In 2017, she was recruited to the University of Bonn as a professor in the Excellence Cluster ImmunoSensation. Since 2020, she is a full professor at the Medical Faculty, head of the Department "Biophysical Imaging and Molecular Physiology", and, together with Eicke Latz and Felix Meissner, director of the Institute of Innate Immunity.

Education and Degrees

2014 Habilitation, Molecular Biomedicine, University of Bonn, Prof. Michael Hoch

2006 Doctorate, Biochemistry, Research Center Jülich and University of Cologne, Prof. Ulrich Benjamin Kaupp

1998-2003 Studies of Biology, Diploma, University of Cologne

Scientific Career

2024-present Vice-Dean for Scientific Infrastructure and Sustainability

2020-present W3 Professor and Director, Biophysical Imaging, Institute of Innate Immunity, University Hospital Bonn

2017-2020 W2 Professor, Biophysical Imaging, Institute of Innate Immunity, University Hospital Bonn

2014-2017 Max Planck Research Group Leader (W2), Minerva Max Planck Research Group “Molecular Physiology”, Center for Advanced European Studies (caesar), Bonn

2009-2014 Project Group Leader, research Group „Molecular Physiology“, Center for Advanced European Studies (caesar), Bonn

2007-2009 Postdoctoral fellow, Laboratory of Molecular Signaling, Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK

Honors and Awards

2024-present Co-Speaker FOR5547 "Primary Cilia Dynamics"

2023-present Speaker SFB1454 "Metaflammation and Cellular Programming"

2021-present Chairwoman, Bonn Technology Campus

2021-present Board Member, University Foundation Bonn

2020-2022 Speaker, 'Bonner Forum Biomedizin'

2020 Teaching Price, Natural Science Faculty, University of Bonn

2020 Life & Health Research Price, University of Bonn

2019-present Editorial Board Member, Plos Biology

2018-present Steering Committee Member, Cluster of Excellence “ImmunoSensation2”, University of Bonn

2018-present Site Coordinator Bonn, DFG CRC/TRR83 “Molecular Architecture and Cellular Functions of Lipid/Protein Assemblies”, University of Heidelberg, University of Bonn, and TU Dresden

2018-present Vice Speaker, ‘Bonner Forum Biomedizin’

2008-2009 Junior Research Fellowship, Wolfson College, Cambridge, UK

2007 Blue Riband Prize of the Physiological Society, UK

2006 PhD with distinction (summa cum laude)

2003-2006 PhD Fellowship of the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds